Master Thesis 'Interference Urbanism' | Shanghai

Research | Collaboration

Through the medium of Chladni plates, early experiments on material transformation generated from sound waves of various frequencies were tested. The results were highly articulated patterns ordered by the interference of pure frequencies. Computing this into the digital environment, these simulations represented the actual city flows, later modified adapting to site constraints.

These techniques create porous individual buildings integrated in its surrounding fluid field of interstitial urban spaces. The public environment is configured by the interference of the vertical buildings achieving a high degree of formal differentiation correlated to an equally mixed organization of activities, event structures and uses.

This research into viscous behaviors and the formation of parametric patterns led to the design of megastructural enclosures for the Expo 2010 and its longer term urban legacy, as an alternative to Shanghai’s development of highly individualized iconic buildings with negligible association between buildings nor much meaningful integrations to its urban field.